Executives shaped through Athletics

About our community

C-Suite Athlete brings together the competitive spirit and discipline of sports with the strategic thinking and execution required in the corporate world. Our community is composed of athletes who are successful business executives, leveraging their athletic experiences to drive exceptional results in their business roles. 

Our community welcomes all current and former athletes whether you competed at the Olympic, collegiate level, or just started your fitness journey. You are an athlete.

Members of our community enjoy practical tips to enhance your daily work and personal life. Affinity groups of leaders in similar roles or with similar athletic interests. A job board for companies who value the leadership skills that come thorugh athletics.


Join our community of like-minded executives

C-Suite Athlete is building a community of executives whose success is shaped by their athletic experience.

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“The values I learned through athletics are not just applicable to my career. They have become a part of who I am, setting me up for success both personally and professionally. ”

Christine Lipson