Helping executives with the human side of business

C-suite Athlete helps executives with the human side of business. We provide coaching services and career advice to executives as well as business consulting services. Contact us today to learn more about how we can customize our services to help you.



  • Executive coaching and mentoring
  • Career planning
  • Trusted advisor for people issues
  • Human resources mission and strategy formulation
  • Human resources process review, design, and implementation
  • Policy and procedures review and design
  • Recruiting


Client list

• Bixby School
• Blue Spruce Capital
• Boulder Junior Cycling
• Castilleja School
• Cauldera
• Cheyenne Regional Medical Center
• Flintridge Sacred Heart Academy
• Food service company- Confidential
• Friends' School
• Graland Country Day School
• Jewish Community High School of the Bay
• Leave No Trace
• Me.dium
• Neopart
• OneRiot
• Sterling-Rice Group
• Vail Mountain School
• Watershed School